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Posts : 7
Join date : 2022-01-14

Transferring files and notes to new computer Empty Transferring files and notes to new computer

Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:51 pm
Forgive me if this has been covered. I'm pretty dense when it comes to computing. Someone mentioned that everything is in stickies.db but I've searched my PC and can't find it. Where is it? Is that where the backups are stored? Assuming I do find it, what's the process of moving it to my new machine? TIA.
Posts : 156
Join date : 2022-12-29

Transferring files and notes to new computer Empty Re: Transferring files and notes to new computer

Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:03 am
Transferring files and notes to new computer 661110

If you click the traymenu option " About ..." you will find the path to stickies.db at the bottom .
After installing stickies on your new PC just exit stickies and replace the stickies.db with your " old " one .

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Join date : 2022-01-14

Transferring files and notes to new computer Empty Re: Transferring files and notes to new computer

Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:56 pm
I am apparently running v.10.1a and I don't see these menu options (About, and the others you show) on my Settings or anywhere else when I right click my Stickies icon.
Posts : 156
Join date : 2022-12-29

Transferring files and notes to new computer Empty Re: Transferring files and notes to new computer

Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:13 pm
Transferring files and notes to new computer 661510
Transferring files and notes to new computer 661610

Rightclick on stickies traymenu icon ( right side of taskbar )not on a sticky itself.
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