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Posts : 193
Join date : 2018-04-03

Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Empty Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies

Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:16 pm
Stickies 10.1a

1. Resizing a image in Image-Stickie to 0 x 0 Crashes Stickies.
2. When a Image-Stickie is rolled-up it will still resize the image if ctl-mouse-wheel is used.  (Strange -> does not resize the Stickie, this can really mess you up later because it does not show image has been resized when rolled-up.)
3. Image-Stickie sometimes Flickers when moving the mouse. (Stickies 10.1a or me, I don't know.)


1. Text-Case's (CAPS, small, Sentence and Title-Text) Selects-all then Erases-all when clicked with nothing Selected.
2. Highlights 6 & 7 are not implemented.
3. Justified is not implemented.
4. Setting "Stack Skin Default Color in "Edit/Stack Skin Default Color crashes Skinner.
5. Selecting "No in "Export to ssk/You need to save changes first. Do that now?  is counter-intuitive, as it does not write new-changes to ssk without Saving ini. (Somehow writes prior-current ssk without Saving ini, No-good for experimenting) 

While your fixing the above in Skinner it can't hurt to add:
Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Sticki22

Last edited by SPOOK on Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
Posts : 551
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Empty Re: Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies

Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:41 pm
Thanks Spook, that's quite a haul of bugs identified at once there.  I do like to eliminate errors.

I wasn't able to reproduce the "Stack Skin Default Colour" bug though. That works for me - so perhaps a little more context around how you generate it might help.  Actually as I type this, it might be something I've already addressed.

Of the above, only one bug necessitated a change to Skinner - the "justified" button not working - but that's been recompiled and uploaded as 4.31 now on the site.

The other issues are all within Stickies, and will be incorporated in the next release.  If you want to use a fixed exe now, or just check my work (!) you can download a release here:


Posts : 193
Join date : 2018-04-03

Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Empty Re: Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies

Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:28 am
Thank you for STICKIESPLUS and jumping right-on that stuff, sorry for the load.

The "justified" button still not working in Stickies 10.1a, shows double-arrow.

I'll live with what I got as "The other issues are all within Stickies.

I'll look at the ini file to see what I can figure-out.


P.S. I should have told you you have to key-in the zero's in resizing a image to "0 x 0" to crash Stickies 10.1a, this might be the same deal with keying-in the colors for "Stack Skin Default Colour". No longer crashes Skinner but does not set the "Stack Skin Default Colour".

Again Thank you
Posts : 193
Join date : 2018-04-03

Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Empty Re: Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies

Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:13 pm
Tryed StickiesPLUS, did the job.

Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Fff_bl48

Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Fff_bl49

14 to go till Post.

Thank you.
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Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies  Empty Re: Stickies 10.1a & Skinner 4.30 anomalies

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