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Posts : 123
Join date : 2020-01-16

Slight bug : In Skinner, F1 search for file Skinner.HLP instead of Skinner.chm Empty Slight bug : In Skinner, F1 search for file Skinner.HLP instead of Skinner.chm

Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:40 pm
... and thus use of F1 key to get help is not operative...
Too bad since a quite good help file actually exist and is available in the .chm format....
Posts : 566
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Slight bug : In Skinner, F1 search for file Skinner.HLP instead of Skinner.chm Empty Re: Slight bug : In Skinner, F1 search for file Skinner.HLP instead of Skinner.chm

Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:15 pm
Ah yes, the default handler for F1 had been left in the code.  I've removed it.  I think way back when (this is all the way back to Win3 probably) a press of F1 would try to launch a file named the same as the exe, but with HLP on the end.  That's been replaced by CHM ... and now that format is also almost dead which is a shame, as it's quite neat.

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