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Join date : 2023-01-02

Make Stickies Such that Using Stickies Portable (PortableApps) is Able to Remember Location of a Skin Files Even if the Stickies Folder is Moved Empty Make Stickies Such that Using Stickies Portable (PortableApps) is Able to Remember Location of a Skin Files Even if the Stickies Folder is Moved

Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:14 pm
I have been using Stickies Portable [PortableApps] v8.0c for years because I absolutely loathed the look of later versions of Stickies. Then yesterday I discovered 'skins' and found one that replicates the look of Stickies v8.0a that works in Stickies 10.1c. Yahoo! I can upgrade my Stickies.

Then the problem surfaced. If I move the folder of Stickies (portable) to another location it does not manage to locate the skin I want it to use. Please could this issue be addressed? Maybe you could make setting the path to the skins a relative path: such that on looking for the skins (folder) Stickies always looks for a location that is a folder or sub-folder (as set by the user) to the folder that Stickies (Portable) is actually being run from. For example:

Folder Stickies is being run from: X:\Stickies
Folder in which the user has skins: X:\Stickies\Data\Skins
Relative path that Stickies looks for skins: Stickies\Data\Skins (something like that)

I think that this change could be made in such a way that using a relative path is also applied to a fully installed to the system Stickies (not just to a portable 'installation' of Stickies).

I hope I have explained what I mean clear enough to be understood.

Last edited by BuddhaNature on Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to click the "Notify me when a reply is posted" box.)
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Make Stickies Such that Using Stickies Portable (PortableApps) is Able to Remember Location of a Skin Files Even if the Stickies Folder is Moved Empty Re: Make Stickies Such that Using Stickies Portable (PortableApps) is Able to Remember Location of a Skin Files Even if the Stickies Folder is Moved

Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:36 pm
You should find it does that already.  That feature was added in 10.1a - the text in the change log is 
  • Skin paths when saved in the App or Data directories are stored as relative paths (to help portable app users)

However, from what I remember that will only be the case when a skin is set in that version onwards.  Skins set prior to that release will still be absolute paths.

If you want to change it, that is possible, but you'd need to open up the database file to do so.  You'd use the DB Browser download to do that.  If that's something you'd like guidance with, let me know.

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