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Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive Empty Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive

Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:42 pm
I want two PCs to share the same stickies data. How do I move the default stickies data folder to OneDrive? There doesn't seem to be a change location in the program....?

Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive Empty Re: Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive

Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:13 pm

I do not have onedrive active so not tested but other users seem to use it  without problems .
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Location : London

Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive Empty Re: Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive

Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:58 pm
You can move the data to a shared folder, and so long as you only run Stickies on one machine at a time, it should all work out OK.

However .. if you run the app on both sides of a OneDrive folder, you might end up with all sorts of things going wrong - Stickies wasn't written to allow its data file to be shared I'm afraid - so try that at your peril!

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Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive Empty Re: Change default folder of Stickies data to OneDrive

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