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Mark Stick
Posts : 105
Join date : 2021-11-23

Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style? Empty Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style?

Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:58 am
How does one change all existing stickies to a DEFAULT style?

Let's say you have 50 stickies and don't want to go through each
one, one at a time, how do you change them all in bulk to a new default style?
Posts : 544
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style? Empty Re: Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style?

Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:49 pm
Clicking in a note and pressing alt-0 will apply the default style to it.  You could always click in them all one at a time, and press alt-0.  That would do it.

Another way, which is a bit of a hack (!) is use the shift key.  Hold shift and right-click a note. It will become selected, along with every other note it's adjacent to.  Then you can issue commands to everything selected, like Default Style.

So ... the hack is to create a huge note which covers the whole screen (wide and tall) and as that note now touches all the others, use the shift-bulk-select trick to make your change, and then delete the large note when you're done.


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Mark Stick
Posts : 105
Join date : 2021-11-23

Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style? Empty Re: Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style?

Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:08 pm
Admin wrote:Clicking in a note and pressing alt-0 will apply the default style to it.  You could always click in them all one at a time, and press alt-0.  That would do it.

Another way, which is a bit of a hack (!) is use the shift key.  Hold shift and right-click a note. It will become selected, along with every other note it's adjacent to.  Then you can issue commands to everything selected, like Default Style.

So ... the hack is to create a huge note which covers the whole screen (wide and tall) and as that note now touches all the others, use the shift-bulk-select trick to make your change, and then delete the large note when you're done.


Great thanks very much for this tip!
It helped out a lot.  Smile
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Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style? Empty Re: Change all stickies to a DEFAULT style?

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