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Bart backup how use -letter:x/variable drive in xml job file? Empty Bart backup how use -letter:x/variable drive in xml job file?

Tue Oct 25, 2022 12:36 am
I'm using BART for backup to an external USB drive on Windows 11. The drive can be given any one of 3 drive letters. At the moment I have 3 different ".JOB" files, with the drive letter hard-coded but it looks like the -letter parameter would help that.

I can use the -letter:x command line flag, and can see the letter shown as "variable drive" in the GUI but how do I get the ".job" xml file to use it?

If I omit the drive from the <DST> part of the job file, it says it can't find the destination.

I've tried searching the docs, knowledgebase and forum for "letter" and "variable drive" but can't find the answer. Can anyone help?

Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Bart backup how use -letter:x/variable drive in xml job file? Empty Re: Bart backup how use -letter:x/variable drive in xml job file?

Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:35 pm
Put a ? as the drive letter - so for one of my backups which uses a variable letter, I've got this:


Missing that out of the docs was an omission, sorry about that.  I've added a note to the page now.


Bart backup how use -letter:x/variable drive in xml job file? Empty Works perfectly - thank you

Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:20 am
Yep, thanks, that is working perfectly for me, and saves having multiple ".job" files with a different letter.

Thank you!
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Bart backup how use -letter:x/variable drive in xml job file? Empty Re: Bart backup how use -letter:x/variable drive in xml job file?

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