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Join date : 2021-12-22

How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies? Empty How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies?

Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:53 pm
I can't find a way to resize these rolled up stickies. 

I'd like the two long ones to be the same width as the shortest one.How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies? Clipbo10

How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies? Empty Re: How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies?

Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:14 pm
I do not think you can set the width of rolled different than unrolled , rolled is just windows showing the upper part of the window .
You could store each sticky in a Stack to have a smaller " footprint " as a workaround .
Posts : 52
Join date : 2018-04-22
Location : New York

How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies? Empty Re: How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies?

Tue Jan 04, 2022 4:01 pm
Unroll the stickies that are too long, grab an edge and resize to the width you want to match then roll it up again.  Reposition as necessary.
Posts : 2
Join date : 2021-12-22

How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies? Empty Re: How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies?

Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:39 pm
"Unroll the stickies that are too long, grab an edge and resize to the width you want to match then roll it up again.  Reposition as necessary."

Yes.. you would think this would work!! LOL

But there is one case where it doesn't...

When you first create a NEW stickie... if you widen the note immediately and then "roll it up", from that point on, it will only return to the "widened" position when rolled-up.

What I have to do as a work around....
When you first create a NEW stickie... you need to roll it up FIRST and then when you unroll you can widen it to whatever width you like and when you "roll it up", from that point on, it will return to its original width.

it seems that whatever position(width) it was in on the VERY FIRST ROLLUP, becomes the Default position(width).

I would think this is a bug.

It has worked like this for several of the last versions. But there was a time, years ago, when this was not the case. it's annoying, but workable with the work around.
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How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies? Empty Re: How do i RESIZE rolled up stickies?

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