- anakete
- Posts : 1
Join date : 2022-11-21
stickies rolled up color
Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:30 am
Can the rolled up color be changed?
Re: stickies rolled up color
Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:10 pm
When you roll up a note, it's almost always just the title bar which you can see at that point. The title bars tend to be different colours from the rest of the note, although that's not always the case - some skins show the note colour.
Here's one which does: https://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/stickies/skins.pl?a=show&s=posted65a
Here's one which does: https://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/stickies/skins.pl?a=show&s=posted65a
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