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offscreen problem Empty offscreen problem

Tue May 01, 2018 5:30 pm
If a sticky with a negative x position is stored , "send to desktop" will use 65536+x as position and for most monitors this will be offscreen.
This happened when i get a screengrab and move it a little.The sticky will cross the left screenborder a bit but it will disappear when i call it from restore.

Stickies version  :  V9.0e

Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

offscreen problem Empty Re: offscreen problem

Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:41 pm
Oops.  The Jet database which Stickies v9 uses stores the position as a short - two bytes.  I was going to type "it's always been a bit funny about that" but what I mean is that I've never spent enough time taking care to get it right :/

When you go to the properties of the stored note, the one which doesn't come back onscreen correctly, what does the Position show please?

(incidentally, you could get around this by dragging the note to the desktop, at which point it will be placed where your mouse pointer is)


offscreen problem Empty Re: offscreen problem

Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:41 pm
offscreen problem RyyVX7m

Drag to desktop is a nice workaround ,  thanks !
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offscreen problem Empty Re: offscreen problem

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