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Join date : 2022-07-09

Minor idiosyncrasies with links in notes and always on top Empty Minor idiosyncrasies with links in notes and always on top

Thu Aug 04, 2022 7:57 am
Always on Top
the behaviour im looking for is that it stays on top of the desktop but looses focus if another application is opened - as windows notes does
having them locked to the screen whilst your trying (and i mean trying lol) to work is asking for trouble.  If i hide them i don't want to have them hidden and have to unhide when i go back to the desktop - if i forget to open the notes i forget my memos and run the chance of missing my planned events.

When posting a hyperlink of a document it shows the link with mouseover but when clicked wont open the document

Now i know i can scale with the scroll bars to keep a note a certain size, im really pleased with Stickies - great work
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Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Minor idiosyncrasies with links in notes and always on top Empty Re: Minor idiosyncrasies with links in notes and always on top

Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:22 pm
It sounds like you mean "always on bottom" which is something I've tried to get going in the past, but never with any success I'm afraid.

What sort of hyperlink to the document won't work?  If you drag and drop a file into a text note, it should get added as a clickable link - does that work when you do it that way?

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