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Posts : 25
Join date : 2018-06-06

Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window Empty Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window

Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:00 pm
The Manage Stickies window is very powerful and I find myself using it more and more.

As of now it has a shortcut key (ctrl-m) but it is not a global shortcut key so when all my notes are hidden I can't use it. (I need to right-click the stickies icon on my Windows 7 system icons tray and choose Manage Stickies)

So can you please add an Option to set a global shortcut (hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window ? Idea

Thanks in advance.
Posts : 17
Join date : 2018-06-15

Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window Empty Re: Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window

Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:44 pm
This would be very useful
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Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window Empty Re: Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window

Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:54 pm
Control-alt-m does this by default - what you ask for is already in the app, configurable on the Hotkeys page.

Posts : 25
Join date : 2018-06-06

Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window Empty Re: Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window

Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:10 am
Admin wrote:Control-alt-m does this by default - what you ask for is already in the app, configurable on the Hotkeys page.

You are 100% correct.
I apologize....Crying or Very sad .Sorry for not not checking enough before i posted. (maybe I got confused b/c of  the non-global shortcut for opening the Manage Stickies window with  ctrl-m)
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Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window Empty Re: Option to set a global shortcut (a hotkey) for the Manage Stickies window

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