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Posts : 25
Join date : 2018-06-06

Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window

Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:12 am
Can you please add an option to move a sticky to a specific stack from the "Manage Stickies" window ?

Thanks in advance.
Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Re: Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window

Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:00 pm
You can do this already - drag the note over the Stack icon on the left bar, then when the list of stacks appears you can continue dragging into your target stack.

Posts : 25
Join date : 2018-06-06

Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Re: Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window

Sun Mar 03, 2019 11:43 am
Thank you Tom. I needed to move some stickies I got by launching the SEARCH function. The vertical stacks list sidebar doesn't appear when using the SEARCH.
That's why I forgot to try to drag,
I forgot I had the option to drag a sticky to the Stacks icon. By doing that the vertical stacks sidebar pops out.

BTW - can you add an option to cancel the dragging by using the ESC key if it hasn't finished yet ?
I know I can drag one a sticky "back" to its stack in order to cancel the operation but I can't use this method when I drag multiple stickies from the SEARCH results window when they are from different stacks.
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Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Re: Add an option to move a sticky to a stack from the "Manage Stickies" window

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