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Posts : 25
Join date : 2018-06-06

Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window

Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:51 am
Open the "Manage Stickies" window
Choose the "recurring" icon on the left sidebar.
Right-click on one of your recurring stickies and choose Recurring.
The "set recurrence" window should load with its CURRENT settings (as of now it always loads with the "daily" option)

And another suggestion:
ctrl-shift-o on a desktop sticky opens the The "Set recurrence" window.
Can you please make the same ctrl-shift-o work also from the "Manage Stickies" window ?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Windows 7 x64
Stickies V9.0e
Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Re: Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window

Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:04 pm
You appreciate that if you instead double-click the recurring note, the dialog will load with the current settings?  Double-clicking items in the Manage list is intended to "edit" their settings - which is possible for attached, sleeping and recurring notes, but not for closed as there's nothing to edit for those!

Posts : 25
Join date : 2018-06-06

Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Re: Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window

Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:35 pm
To be honest I forgot about double-clicking the sticky...and also about the "Edit..." menu-item...
Still, will you consider implementing my request ?
BTW - the "color..." menu-item (which is in the same context-menu) opens with the existing color.
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Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window Empty Re: Improve the "set recurrence" window when coming from the "Manage Stickies" window

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