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Posts : 22
Join date : 2020-06-01

Can't sleep for 90 years ???? Empty Can't sleep for 90 years ????

Mon May 09, 2022 3:44 am
I am absolutely certain nobody has any need to put a Sticky to sleep for 90 years, but I just tried it and the program crashed. Tried again and it crashed again.
It was able to put a Sticky to sleep for 45 years though.
I did it for a laugh, just because I thought it was funny there was an option to sleep for 90 years.
I know that 90 is a new addition to the numbers, so not sure if there is a problem there that may affect other functions - I haven't encountered any problems. But just thought I'd mention it.
Again, I'm sure this would go at the very bottom of your "to do" list, if it even makes it there, as I can't imagine anyone needing to sleep a Sticky for 90 years. 😂
I hope you accept this post with the humour intended and it doesn't come across as a nuisance.
Thanks for the great program!
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Location : London

Can't sleep for 90 years ???? Empty Re: Can't sleep for 90 years ????

Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:03 pm
Heh nice find, thanks.  It's fixed - or it will be for the next release.

It's doing it because dates after January 2038 are represented using more than 4 bytes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem

The issue was cropping up because the logging part of Stickies was trying to note a date after Jan '38, and so was running into this issue.  Thanks for the report,


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