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Join date : 2022-09-30

Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ? Empty Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ?

Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:06 am
Is it normal for Windows 10 to go to sleep while running something like a database rebuild? It ran fine with caffeine64.exe -allowss. I didn't want to wait several hours to see if windows would sleep. I could use -exitafter:xx.
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Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ? Empty Re: Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ?

Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:44 pm
Sure, unless an app tells Windows not to sleep, then it will follow whatever's been set in Power in Settings.

An example of something which might tell Windows not to sleep is a video player - it's no good having Windows sleep 30 minutes into a 2 hour movie!  If it's been coded that way then whatever app you're using for the database rebuilt might also tell Windows not to sleep, but that's down to whomever wrote that code.


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Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ? Empty Re: Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ?

Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:11 pm
I wasn't sure if by default Windows used resource utilization to determine sleep. Or keystrokes
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Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ? Empty Re: Will Windows 10 sleep without Caffeine ?

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