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make stickies stay visibl

make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop Empty make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop

Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:46 am
Default setting:

If I hit windows key + d everything is minimised, I want the stickies to stay on the desktop

If I set them to stay on top...they stay on top of everything including my browser and videos which I do not want.

I want them to always stay visible on the desktop, is this possible?

make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop Empty Re: make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop

Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:56 pm
You could use win+m instead of win+d , the drawback is that it does not toggle  ( to go back you have to use win+shift+m ). 

If stickies are set on top you could always use the hide/show function in the traymenu if they are over a video .
Posts : 551
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop Empty Re: make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop

Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:21 pm
There's this article which explains why I'd not try to get it to work that way, either:

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make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop Empty Re: make stickies stay visible after minimising desktop

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