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Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-09-23

Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop Empty Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop

Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:37 pm
I've been using the Stickies program for many years. Several days ago my sole Sticky note with multiple entries disappeared from my desktop.

My PC is running Stickies version 10.1a under Windows 10 Pro version 20H2, which I first upgraded to several days ago (to be clear, Stickies was upgraded, not Windows). My Sticky note worked fine afterward, but somehow disappeared a bit later.

Stickies is set to auto-start on my PC. I have tried restarting my PC. I have also powered it down and started it again. I have tried reinstalling the program. I have tried right-clicking on the file stickies.db, and selecting "Open with" and selecting "Stickies" (I can see my note entries if I open stickies.db with a text editor). I have tried right-clicking on the Stickies icon in the Windows System Area and selecting "Rescue offscreen", but nothing happens that I can see. I have selected "Show/hide all" multiple times, but again, nothing happens that I can see.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop Empty Re: Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop

Thu Sep 23, 2021 6:37 pm
Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop 305910

In the traymenu you have " Manage Notes "  , if you check the desktop icon like in the image you should see your note if it is still there.
You can also check the  " bin " that stores the last deleted/closed notes .

Stickies by default keeps a backup everyday so even if you lost it , it should still be in the backup . You can find the backup settings that are used in the " Settings " in the traymenu and the suboption " App " . The default directory for storing backups is  ...stickies\backups

You can open a stickies.db with SSIT a tool to restore individual notes :

Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-09-23

Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop Empty Re: Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop

Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:05 pm
Thank you, Sooyke. I went into "Manage Notes" and found my note that apparently had been inadvertently closed. It was rather far down in the listing, but when I found it and pressed "Restore", I got my note back.  Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop 1f604

I had gone into that "Manage Notes" window before and did not find my note since there were several others shown and they were empty. The ones below them were very old notes; I should have kept looking further down the list—I had thought the list was in chronological order, but it was actually sorted A-Z. I re-sorted so that the most recent ones are on top.

Thanks so much!
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Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop Empty Re: Stickies v10.1a—note disappeared from desktop

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