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Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN Empty Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN

Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:31 am
I'm running version 7.1 of Stickies. I have a laptop upstairs and desktop downstairs both running the same version. I've added both machines as friends and entered the IP addies of the machines under "properties". I keep a "to do" stickies list on the laptop which I update with tasks, things to remember, etc. I'd like to send it to the desktop downstairs so if there are any tasks I specifically do on that machine, like paying bills, I'd have them as a reminder on the stickies note. Can't seem to accomplish this. Can anyone help? Offer suggestions?TIA
Posts : 113
Join date : 2020-01-16

Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN Empty Re: Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN

Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:29 am
7.1 is a very old version !
So, my 1st suggestion would be to go, on all your Pc, to the atest version, 10.1d

Afterwards, but only afterwards, it will be time to see what wouks and what don't...
Posts : 156
Join date : 2022-12-29

Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN Empty Re: Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN

Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:45 pm
Yes , like LaurentG mentioned version7 is an old one .....but updating to v10 is not so simple as running the v10 installer .

From the download website :

If you're running v7 or earlier, first upgrade to v9.0e, and then to v10.

There have been other posts about this and some things to look out for :


If you are happy with v7 you can search for the problem instead.

- did you enable networking in options 
- can you " ping " the IP of the other computer ( both ways )

[list=X5LH0c][*] How to run a ping network test
[*]Open the Command Prompt.  ( rightclick startbutton for the menu )
[*]Type “ping” in the black box and hit the space bar.
[*]Type the IP address you'd like to ping (e.g., 192. XXX. X.X).
[*]Review the ping results displayed.

- you can open a windows PowerShell window on the sending PC and type the command  ( example with my lan destination adress ) to check if the listening port used by stickies is open .

tnc -port 52673

How do I open the PowerShell command?
[list=X5LH0c][*]Press winkey+ R.
[*]Type cmd.
[*]The command prompt will be opened.
[*]Type PowerShell and press enter.


Some Comments by Tom Revell regarding updating V7

Tom Revell wrote:
Admin wrote:I checked what will happen if I remove the check for a v7 file from the converter.  The converter crashes.  Specifically, v8 has a field in the mdb file in the [categories] table called "icon", and the converter assumes that the field is present, and will crash if it's not.  That really does mean that there's no way of converting directly from v7.

Of course, it would be possible to write the converter so that it does recognise and handle the v7 format, but I took the decision that it's less work to ask the few people back on that version to jump to v8 and then up to v10, than it would be to do the work to convert the v7 format as well.  The number of people with a v7 format is presumably small, and only growing smaller now, and jumping through v8 is a really quick thing to do.


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Join date : 2020-11-04

Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN Empty Re: Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN

Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:00 pm
Thank you so much for your suggestions. Yes, I do like version 7 and didn't want to "muddy" the water knowing this version has been working.

Both desktop/laptop have the correct port for stickies program. Both machines are opted for networking.

The laptop pinged the desktop (4 packets sent/received and none lost).
The laptop succeeded with powershell test (true).

The desktop CAN send a stickies note to the laptop but
The laptop still CANNOT send a note to the desktop.

I'm stumped.
Thanks again
aka LuniLadi
Posts : 156
Join date : 2022-12-29

Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN Empty Re: Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN

Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:59 pm
This seems to be a though one ...... you can enable debugging in the Options/advanced menu and look at the created logfile in the stickies data directory if it gives some clues ?
Posts : 6
Join date : 2020-11-04

Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN Empty SOLVED - Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN

Sun Mar 31, 2024 3:22 am
Okay, so sometimes the simplest solution is right under our (MY!) nose. PRESSING THE SYNC FRIENDS BUTTON seems to have done the trick.
Thank you for your time and effort. It was appreciated. 
aka LuniLadi
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Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN Empty Re: Stickies not sending notes to another computer on the LAN

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