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Join date : 2024-03-17

Help updating from 10.1c to 10.1d (Windows 10) Empty Help updating from 10.1c to 10.1d (Windows 10)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:59 pm
v10.1c is crashing so I'm trying to install v10.1d but nothing happens & the installer window disappears. 
I tried using an IObit Uninstaller program to do it manually & received an error. 
Downloaded installer again, but same results. Please help!

Thank you
Help updating from 10.1c to 10.1d (Windows 10) AYvVyhsKA1liAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
Posts : 151
Join date : 2022-12-29

Help updating from 10.1c to 10.1d (Windows 10) Empty Re: Help updating from 10.1c to 10.1d (Windows 10)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:08 pm
Help updating from 10.1c to 10.1d (Windows 10) 703210

To manual update you only need the new stickies.exe and copy it over the old one ( Exit stickies then save the old stickies.exe to some place for savekeeping or change its name before overwriting it ...just in case... ).

You can extract the files from the installer by using the -extract parameter .

Open the "  run  " window rightclick the windows startbutton or use shortcut win+r . Type the full path to the installer exe with the parameter   -extract . You will find the files including stickies.exe in the same directory .

I wonder if IObit has something to do with the crash because there are very few ( only one that i know of ) crashes using the installer and there must be a lot of updates ..... You could try to exit IObit ( i guess it is running in the background ) and try the installer again ?

Here is a guide to manually install stickies ( even a new install ):

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