Zhorn Software
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Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-02-05

Stickies Loses it's memory of screen placement.  Empty Stickies Loses it's memory of screen placement.

Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:47 pm
I have searched these forums for topics of "Placement" "location memory" .. can't think of the correct term for the issue I am experiencing.  I see reported issues that seem similar under topic of "multiple monitors", but the reported issues are not the same as what I am experiencing. 
Sometimes,  especially after reboot,  Stickies loses all memory of my stickies previous placement. I have a Macbook Pro loaded with Sonoma OS.  I have an extra Wide screen monitor as secondary display.    I place all my stickies in a configuration where I want them. Stickies run in the background and My expectation is that all the stickies will remain where I put them when I start stickies or when bring Stickies into the forfront. However, this does not always happen.  Sometimes I call up Stickies and all my notes are bunched together in a squished up pile, shoved against the right border of my left laptop screen.  I can't figure out how to restore my former placement arrangement.    
What do I need to do to recall my saved placement organization?
Posts : 132
Join date : 2022-12-29

Stickies Loses it's memory of screen placement.  Empty Re: Stickies Loses it's memory of screen placement.

Mon Feb 05, 2024 7:30 pm
Macbook Pro

I guess you are on the wrong forum , stickies from zhornsoftware is windows only . I think your google search let you astray ....
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