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Join date : 2020-01-29

New Stickies Don't Appear On Screen Empty New Stickies Don't Appear On Screen

Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:21 pm
Good afternoon,

Thanks for this great software, absolutely indipensible!

I have a small issue when sending stickies to one of my colleagues in the office, the stickie does not appear at the front
of his windows but appears behind any open windows he has, if I then send him another, both stickies then appear
correctly in front of all open windows

Thanks for any help to resolve this issue

Posts : 544
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

New Stickies Don't Appear On Screen Empty Re: New Stickies Don't Appear On Screen

Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:00 pm
When it happens, does Stickies think that the first note is "on-top"?

I hesitate to say that there's a bug with Windows, as that's unlikely, but that's what all my testing has shown.  Sometimes, when I instruct Windows to make a note "always on top", Windows replies, "Sure!" but simply doesn't do it.

I've tried asking 100 times in a row, and every time Windows says "Sure!" but after even 100 requests, the window (note) is still not on-top.  It's a problem I've battled with for many years, which simply occasionally shows up despite my code doing the same thing every time.

Sorry I can't be any more helpful - he could try changing the value of "Clicking one sticky makes all Stickies visible" to see if it helps, perhaps?

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