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can I set my email by a hotmail account? Empty can I set my email by a hotmail account?

Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:00 am
I tried to use the "friend" function to send notes to my second laptop. I used my hotmail account with this SMTP smtp-mail.outlook.com, but it doesn't work. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Posts : 156
Join date : 2022-12-29

can I set my email by a hotmail account? Empty Re: can I set my email by a hotmail account?

Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:35 am
There are two ways to use email from Stickies. Probably the best is to specify an SMTP server and email addresses for friends. This is done from the Email tab in the Settings dialog. When sending an email, Stickies will contact that server and send the note itself. However, as Stickies does not support SMTP servers which require authentication, the MAPI option is available. This uses the mail program installed on your PC to send the note.

from the helpfile

I think most smtp servers use authentication ( loginname + password ) so your option would be to use the MAPI ( Messaging Application Programming Interface ) .
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