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Join date : 2022-10-28

Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance? Empty Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance?

Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:17 pm
Hello Zhorn Software forum,

I woke up this morning to find out that the Caffeine executable has been disabled by the admins of my work laptop. Is there any source code available for the most recent version so that I can compile it and run it as a local instance on my computer with Visual Studio or PowerShell etc?

Is there any way to modify the .exe file so that it is undetectable?

Thank you all!

Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance? Empty Re: Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance?

Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:04 am
If you only use the basic function of sending a timed keystroke , writing a powershell script that does the same is only a few simple code lines . You can google it for an example .
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Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance? Empty Re: Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance?

Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:27 pm
You could try either renaming the exe (if it's blocked by name) or using ResHacker to make some small change (if it's blocked by hash).

However ... although these are technical ways to get around the IT policy, it's not getting you around your HR policy - please remember that messing with your company's policies can sometimes get you into trouble...!

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Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance? Empty Re: Caffeine.exe banned by Admin: Can I run a local instance?

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