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Chris Miller

Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:02 am
Fantastic Program - Love it . . . .

I'm on Win10 x64. I had 1.9 running great, but after a rebuild, Neither <Setup> or <check now> will launch.

Further examination declares a "Side by Side" configuration issue which seems to relate to MS Visual C++ Redistributable?

I know not which version (there are many) both x32 and x64 . . .

Do you remember which you may have had installed when you developed the Program?


Chris Miller

Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Re: Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:31 am
You will find a link to the right update here ( remove the empty spaces from the link , the forum did not allowed a link in a guest posting .... )

https:  //w w w.zhornsoftware.co.uk/support/kb.pl?q=00085
Chris Miller

Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

Thu Jul 21, 2022 4:28 am
I installed the Visual C++ 2008 redisb. package and things have improved - but not fully sorted yet . . . .

When BR launches - a different box now appears which says:

Runtime Error!

Program C:\Program Files (x86)\Birthday Reminder\bday.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

Please contact the application's support team for more information . . . .

Any Ideas  . . . . ?


Chris Miller
Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Re: Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

Tue Aug 02, 2022 5:26 pm
Well that just straight up sounds like it's crashed.

If you open %appdata%\Zhorn Birthday Reminder - are there any files in there?

If so, try renaming or deleting them and trying the app again.

Chris Miller

Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:40 am
THANKS for continuing with this Tom . . . . much Appreciated!

I checked in the AppData/Roaming/Zhornsoft BD Reminder folder and there is a file called bday which appears to be an .ini file

I renamed it to bakbday and Launched The BDR <Check Now> App curiously, the <Setup> App Window opened, obviously, with no


I DID attempt to import the bday file with all my data, but it throws the same error as before (Terminate in an odd way . . . )

I reverted the BDR folder to just my bakbday file, and relaunched. Again, the <Setup> window appeared Smile

This time, I clicked <NEW> and entered a couple of entries which listed nicely in the Window.

I closed the Window and relaunched <Check Now>.   No Error Box, but It doesn't Launch . . . .

If I click the<Setup> App, THAT launches and the Window shows the two new entries I made

The AppData/Roaming/Zhornsoft folder now has TWO files, the one I renamed bakbday and a NEW bday file

Curious that the <setup> App launches, but NOT the <Check Now> App . . . ?

I DID try a restart.  There is NO "Terminate in an odd way" Box appearing, but the <Check Now> doesn't launch on startup

like it used to . . .

Chris Miller
Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Re: Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:24 pm
If "Check Now" doesn't do anything that sounds right - that the app has launched, checked to see if it needs to show a reminder, found that it doesn't and so has silently closed again.

It seems that something is screwy in the backup ini file which causes the app to crash.  If you want to mail me that file, I can both see if I can work out what that thing is, and also fix the file so that it works.  It's relatively straightforward though - one line per birthday - so if you open it in Notepad you might be able to see something which doesn't look right?

Chris Miller

Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:00 am
Apologies for the delay Tom, I took a short break away . . . .

Thank you for your continued interest - will gladly send the .ini file, but can't find a link to do so in here?


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Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ? Empty Re: Birthday Reminder seems to need Visuall C++ redistribtable . . . ?

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