Zhorn Software
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Save VS Save as Empty Save VS Save as

Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:11 pm
First off, awesome little piece of software. Use it ALL THE TIME. Very Happy

Feature request: I use stickies in the file format of ".sti" a lot.  Would like to be able to open an .sti file, make changes, hit ctrl+s and save it automatically like most pc apps. Right now, if I hit ctrl+s it acts more like "Save as..." and I have go thru the motions of finding the right location and file each time and then saving over the original file manually.

Arrow Would be nice if it was an automatic save using Ctrl+s. 

I use the other features as well, like "attaching" and using the Stickies filing system also, but I do use the ".sti" method too a lot too.

Hope you consider this request and thank you.

Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Save VS Save as Empty Re: Save VS Save as

Thu May 05, 2022 6:39 pm
I suppose the "official" way of getting this done with the app is to use Stored notes.  Can I ask why you're using the file system as a store for info instead of the built-in Store?

With both methods, the only way to edit the content is in Stickies, but there are advantages to using Stored notes in the Manage dialog - they're automatically saved, they can be quickly searched, you can move or copy them to the desktop easily.

I'm not really sure why anyone would use .sti files really - perhaps you can explain what they do better than Storing a note in Stickies?

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