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Æðelleo Durkin

Alter or modify sticky skin ssk or ini file at the logical level. Empty Alter or modify sticky skin ssk or ini file at the logical level.

Wed Aug 01, 2018 4:07 pm
Hello all

I have looked briefly at the skinner program and its tutorial and have come to the conclusion that the program is unnecessarily complex for the simple changes I wish to effect. I can change the background color by right-clicking on the titlebar and selecting "Set colour..." and choosing a color. I can change the text color by right-clicking on selected text, selecting "Font", then choose a color or select a "Font..." and an explicit color value. The only other things I wish to change is the border surrounding the sticky and the text color and background color of the titlebar of the actual "sticky window".

Would anyone tell me what logical string values I can modify in the default style ini file to effect such changes or alterations? I am bothered not changing individual or explicit pixel values or other such pedantic measures.

My plan is to simply alter the default skin, save this presentation or skin, and apply or instantiate this skin for new stickies.

Æðelleo Durkin
Posts : 551
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Alter or modify sticky skin ssk or ini file at the logical level. Empty Re: Alter or modify sticky skin ssk or ini file at the logical level.

Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:48 pm
Try altering line 197 of the default skin file:


That will do the focussed title bar colour.

I'm not sure I agree that it's easier to modify the ini file than to use the GUI ... but if you prefer to do it this way, that will work as well.

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