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Posts : 566
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Stickies v10.1a released Empty Stickies v10.1a released

Thu May 27, 2021 5:07 pm
I've just uploaded the latest version, replacing the long-running beta test.

As I read through the list of new features I was surprised that code I wrote so long ago, and features I've been making use of for a long time are only just making it to the release.  I hope the up-side of that is that the code has been well tested.

Some items of note in this release:

  • Dark mode
  • Tags
  • Horizonal lines (control-return)
  • Bulk selecting desktop notes (hold control)
  • On-top works better
  • ...and of course the hugely popular request that toggles switches in Settings are now animated!

I also made SSIT10 a little more usable and uploaded a new version of that.  I use it to browse Stickies data from other machines, so being able to search,  filter and have the app not re-jig itself when you enter a password is neat.

Posts : 5
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Hampshire, UK

Stickies v10.1a released Empty Re: Stickies v10.1a released

Fri May 28, 2021 9:57 pm
I've just downloaded 10.1a, and it is being blocked by Avast! anti-virus, with the message

We've blocked stickies_setup_10_1a.exe because it was infected with IDP.ALEXA.53.

Just thought that you might want to know.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2018-04-03

Stickies v10.1a released Empty Re: Stickies v10.1a released

Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:57 am
No issues on 10.1a per my Avast! anti-virus,

Engine and definitions: Already up to date (current version 210531-2)
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Stickies v10.1a released Empty Re: Stickies v10.1a released

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