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Stickies: Markdown support Empty Stickies: Markdown support

Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:46 pm
I just love stickies !!
Insanely Amazing Job,
it even survived a ransomware last year !

I would like to ask a small feature:
Could it be possible to copy in markdown syntax a sticky's content ?
Currently if i write 3 lines:
"[] test1
[] test2
, mark "test2" as done
and copy the entire sticky (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C)
In clipboard i get
" ¨ test1
 þ test2
So if i paste in Obsidian, Notion or VSCode a re-edit operation is needed in order to get the same formatting.
could it be possible to have a "copy as markdown" menu item or a toggle or whatever ?
The result should be something like this:
"- [ ] test1
- [ ] test2
If possible of course.

Many thanks for your great product anyway.
Best !
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