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update to 10.1a, no stickies Empty update to 10.1a, no stickies

Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:32 pm
Hi, I've never any problems in updating for the last several years. Few days ago I updated to v10.1a from previous v10.x
and all my stickies have gone. I only noticed it last night trying to access a note
I've read through the recovery processes and downloaded ssit10 too. The .db files are empty, all of them.
I'm sure I moved my backup location in previously versions either in 9 or 10, cannot be sure, but cannot find any database files in my other partition either. Has everything gone?!

update to 10.1a, no stickies Empty Re: update to 10.1a, no stickies

Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:15 am
update to 10.1a, no stickies 434510

The data files are not changed by updating or reinstalling , the only thing i would do is searching your drives for stickies db or backup  files.

A reliable and quick way is to use the free program " everything " from https://www.voidtools.com/

If you are familiar with regex you can use the needle as shown in the image , it only takes a few seconds to scan all your drives and with regex only gives the result for 12 digits files with db extension or stickies.db  ( even in the bin ... ).

You can also use the normal file search without regex .
Posts : 544
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

update to 10.1a, no stickies Empty Re: update to 10.1a, no stickies

Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:13 pm
There's not much change between the different v10 releases, the data file doesn't change much and the upgrade just swaps one exe for another one.

Just as Sookye says, try searching your HDD for "stickies.db" files - be sure to include hidden folders - you might find a file which has been recently written which isn't where you expect?

Posts : 1
Join date : 2022-04-26

update to 10.1a, no stickies Empty Stickies 8 vs 10.1a

Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:34 pm
I just changed computers which had version 8 and now it is version 10.1a

I backed up my files from the old computer but cannot pull them into the new program

The saved file is a rtf file not a mbd file so now what???

Please advise what to do

update to 10.1a, no stickies Empty Re: update to 10.1a, no stickies

Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:38 am
You can manually convert v8 files to the v10 stickies.db ( v10 only uses one file to store everything ). You can find mdb2db.exe in the files installed with v10 .

If you get an error ( take it look here for a solution :

Posts : 544
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

update to 10.1a, no stickies Empty Re: update to 10.1a, no stickies

Thu May 05, 2022 7:12 pm
cheryl1943 if your export from your old machine is a RTF file, you should be able to open it using Wordpad included with your computer.  RTF is a text document a bit like Word creates.

If you have access to the old machine, I'd suggest getting the full set of data files from Stickies?

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update to 10.1a, no stickies Empty Re: update to 10.1a, no stickies

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