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Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:24 pm

First off, thanks for the awesome little tool. 

What I'm trying to accomplish is to have caffeine active whenever Microsoft Teams is open.

The command that I am using is: .\caffeine64.exe -watchwindow:Microsoft Teams

However, it is always loading and staying active whether or not Teams is open, hidden in tray, or completely closed.

Is there something that I am doing wrong? Teams doesn't come with a title-bar at the top, so I am using the name from task manager.

Screenshots below:

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Pb73SDX Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Ept0yee

Again, the issue is that it loads and stays active even when Microsoft Teams is not open or even installed.

Any suggestions?

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:28 pm
I would also like to add that it isn't specific to Microsoft Teams. 

I can type in any random characters and it still is active like it detects it. 

See screenshot below

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams 4r0f43s

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:01 am
You are right , it seems it does not work for the parameter " -watchwindow "

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Location : London

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:17 pm

I've just been looking at the code to check that it's not become broken inadvertently - and it does seem OK.  However, the tool tip could be better phrased.  It should really say "active when a window title with 'xxx' in it is found".  The command line is also space-delimited, so I'd try this:


Assuming that there are no other windows on your system with the word "teams" in their titles, then Caffeine should only take action when a window with "teams" in the title is present.

Is that not what you're finding?


Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:43 am
Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams 211911

Yes it works , i misunderstood the meaning of the "active" trayicon here , it is not sending keys but just active looking out for the window name  Embarassed

Unfortunately unless you log the f15 key you have no means of checking you have a correct window name as parameter as the trayicon does not indicate it is sending keys.

A change in the trayicon tooltip indicating it is sending keys would be usefull to know the window name is correct for triggering .
Posts : 1
Join date : 2021-08-20

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:38 am
I'd also like to thank you for a cool and handy little program.  I'm having some trouble getting Caffeine to recognize a program using the "-watchwindow" parameter.  It's probably something I'm doing incorrectly.  I thought it would be OK to piggyback on this thread rather than start a new one.

  • Does this parameter only look at what's listed under Task Manager | Processes | Apps or is the list of Background Processes also scanned?
  • The complete window title of the program I am trying to detect is "Macrium Reflect - Workstation Edition - v7.3.5854 [UEFI]" so how best to format the -watchwindow: parameter?
  • Rather than waiting for the computer to not sleep, is there a means to monitor if Caffeine has detected the window I'm trying to watch for?

Posts : 551
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:06 pm
If you put the -watchwindow: parameter at the end of the command line, then you can set everything after it to be what to watch, so:

caffeine.exe -useshift -watchwindow:Macrium Reflect - Workstation Edition

...should match it?  It's not processes which are monitored, but window titles, but you're right that it's not very informative about whether that window has been spotted.  I guess I've always got Stickies running, and I know it uses the same code to find active windows, so I open the Attach dialog to cheat.  However, you should be OK with the above?

Posts : 8
Join date : 2022-09-30

Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Window Titles

Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:41 pm
Someone might fine this helpful. PowerShell one liner to show open window titles.
get-Process | Where-Object {$_.mainWindowTitle} | Format-Table Id, Name, mainWindowtitle -AutoSize
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Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams Empty Re: Caffeine -watchwindow Microsoft Teams

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