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new styles for notes Empty new styles for notes

Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:17 pm
So I am having issues with making the program use the new style I created in the settings. I have used this program for awhile now and am certain that before when creating a new style I could select the style I created before and then somehow made it to where that would be the default one that is used whenever creating a note and now it is not doing that. 

I recently had to format my computer and have not done anything different than before as far as software goes or even software that runs in the background while stickies is also running.

So not sure what is going on here, but would appreciate some help in getting this fixed. TIA


new styles for notes Empty Re: new styles for notes

Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:04 am
The top style is always named Default, and the properties it has are those given to a new sticky when you double-click on the tray icon, or press Windows-s. 

This is from the helpfile , it seems only the "default" can be set as well....default , for a new created sticky.
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