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Posts : 193
Join date : 2018-04-03

All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies Empty All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies

Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:11 pm
Every blue moon when I enter a new title on a Stickie it will change all the other snapped together Stickies title to match the one I just entered.

Very strange happening, and some little work to re-title all snapped together Stickies. Any known reason for this?

Posts : 551
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies Empty Re: All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies

Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:55 pm
That's what will happen if you hold shift to bulk-select notes, and then choose Set Title.  Is it possible that's what's happening?

Posts : 193
Join date : 2018-04-03

All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies Empty Re: All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies

Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:14 pm
Thanks for the reply.

No, it just has a mind of its own, theirs no undo.


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All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies Empty Re: All titles changed to same title on all snapped stickies

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