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Posts : 3
Join date : 2023-04-08

Recurring notes but don't hide it, basically non sleeping repeating alarms Empty Recurring notes but don't hide it, basically non sleeping repeating alarms

Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:58 am
I can set an alarm for notes without hiding itself but I can't make it repeated
also I can set recurring notes but that hides itself

basically I want sticky note to be visible but flash and jiggle at certain time, without me setting alarm for each time after it jiggles Laughing

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2023-04-08

Recurring notes but don't hide it, basically non sleeping repeating alarms Empty Re: Recurring notes but don't hide it, basically non sleeping repeating alarms

Tue Apr 25, 2023 12:02 pm
I wonder why admin didn't even reply at all

I'm sure this would be very useful
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