Zhorn Software
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Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-09-07

Attached stickies w/always on top should only be on top if the app they are attached to has focus. Empty Attached stickies w/always on top should only be on top if the app they are attached to has focus.

Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:58 pm
Attached stickies w/always on top should only be on top if the app they are attached to has focus.  I could not find a way to do this.  

i.e. if a stickie is attached to a window, even it is set to always on top, if that window does not have focus then the stickie is at the same "layer" as the app and is "on top" of everything at that layer and below, but any window moved on top of it hides it.
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