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Join date : 2018-08-18

Targeted Caffeine not working?  Empty Targeted Caffeine not working?

Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:55 am

Recently I installed Targeted Caffeine on my Windows 8.1 laptop and I am using Chrome.

I have created few rules for different website windows with 2-3 minutes and F15/Shift/Return key.

At the time of rule creation, the Next schedule for executing the rule displays the correct time.
But at the time of executing that rule, there is some flickering in the TC window, but the Next scheduled time doesn't get incremented by specified minutes. It remains same, resulting in the website window logging me out in stipulated time.

Please advise how to proceed.

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Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Targeted Caffeine not working?  Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine not working?

Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:28 pm
Does the "Found now" column show that the targeted application is found on the system?

The time column isn't updated while that dialog is left open - you'll need to close and re-open it to get it to update :/

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Join date : 2018-08-18

Targeted Caffeine not working?  Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine not working?

Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:39 pm
The "Found Now" column displays "Yes".

I'm opening Tata Sky DTH website with TC set for 3 minutes with F15 key.
While opening the website for First time, one has to provide registered mobile number.
This window doesn't log you out.
If you want to change your details, you have to provide the password.
This window logs you out if there is no activity in stipulated minutes.

Yes, after closing the TC window, the "Next" column gets updated with correct time.
But still website displays a warning and logs me out after no activity time limit.

Posts : 566
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Targeted Caffeine not working?  Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine not working?

Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:53 pm
What sort of action does the site consider as "activity"?  Although Windows might see an F15 keypress as enough to consider that there's a user present, I'm not sure the same is true for a web site.  I'm sure an F5 would do it, but would also be disruptive.

What can you do manually to remain signed in?  Click the mouse?  Scroll the page?  Press the space bar?

Posts : 3
Join date : 2018-08-18

Targeted Caffeine not working?  Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine not working?

Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:31 am
Ok... thanks for the clues... did some tinkering around...

Different keys work for different sites.

DTH window works only with "F5" key, whereas some banking sites end the session and throw me out as soon as "F5" is sent by TC.
But those banking sites work with "Return" key.

The main issue I found was TC is sending the keystroke only to the window which is in the foreground. Other window logs me out. Here I am using Chrome to open sites in altogether different windows. Though the TC window displays "yes" in "Found now" column for both the windows.

Similarly, if I open sites in the same window using different Tabs, TC displays "yes" in "Found now" column only for the Tab currently in the foreground which works. It's "no" for other Tabs, and they log me out.

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Targeted Caffeine not working?  Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine not working?

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