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Join date : 2021-11-09

Stickies Taskbar icon flickers on Windows 11.  Empty Stickies Taskbar icon flickers on Windows 11.

Tue Nov 09, 2021 5:51 pm
I just got Windows 11 installed. Everything seems fine, but the taskbar is large and difficult to make smaller. I have used the registry tweak to get the icons smaller, but the Stickies icon now flickers.
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Location : London

Stickies Taskbar icon flickers on Windows 11.  Empty Re: Stickies Taskbar icon flickers on Windows 11.

Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:24 pm
Which task bar do you mean?  The task bar along the bottom of the screen is a Windows thing, and isn't part of Stickies, so I guess you don't mean that?

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