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Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies. Empty Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies.

Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:00 pm
Hello, everyone,

as a newcomer to this great tool, I'm looking for a feature that I haven't found yet:

I would like to set that only the locked stickies can only be closed with an additional confirmation dialog.

Normal stickies (without locked content) should still be able to be closed "normally" via CTRL+D or a single click on the X in the title bar - without any further confirmation dialog.

This prevents accidental deletion of locked stickies (= the important ones in "my system").

Does this possibility already exist? 
Am I the only one missing this option?

For example, the selection dialog in Settings/Desktop could look like this:

[X] Confirm note closure
.... [_] all stickies
.... [X] only locked stickies

or below on this tab

[X] Locking content also prevents single-clicking closure

Thank you very much you for this great tool and your kind response!

Posts : 551
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies. Empty Re: Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies.

Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:59 pm
I'm afraid that's not an option at the moment - locked notes only have their content locked, not whether they can move, or be closed.

Maybe you could do something with a skin which doesn't have a "close" button on, but the simplest way to not have them closed ... is to not close them Smile  If by accident you do, they go to the Closed category for a little while anyway.


Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies. Empty Re: Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies.

Sun Oct 03, 2021 5:10 pm
Hello Tom,

many thanks for the answer. At the moment I'm already doing it as you described.

The idea for my proposal probably came from the way I personally use stickies.
Of course, the "normal way" is also very good for me.

Apparently only I have this thought/wish anyway. 
Nevertheless, maybe you can keep my idea in mind? Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies. 1f607 

Thank you again for this great tool, have a good time and all the best!
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Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies. Empty Re: Confirmation dialog by closure only of lockes stickies.

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