Zhorn Software
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Stickies appears in different windows Empty Stickies appears in different windows

Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:20 am

Thanks for creating this wonderful program.

I have encountered a problems with this program that i may not be aware of the solutions.

After attaching the stickies to a program (metatrader charts), the stickies doesn't automatically appear once the metatrader program is loaded. I still have to click on the stickies icon for the stickies to appear. Is there a way for for the stickies to appear automatically once the program it is attached to loads up. I tried with 'on top' option, but this causes the stickies to appear on all Windows.

Posts : 566
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Stickies appears in different windows Empty Re: Stickies appears in different windows

Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:15 pm
I think what you're after is for the note to insert itself into the z-order, so that it's just above your target app, but below other windows, and that's not possible to do.  I can get windows to come to the front of all windows, or to stay in front ... but not choose a position and slot themselves in Sad


Stickies appears in different windows Empty Thanks for the reply and the wonderful app.

Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:37 am
Thanks for the reply and the wonderful app.
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Stickies appears in different windows Empty Re: Stickies appears in different windows

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