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Sticky disappeared Empty Sticky disappeared

Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:24 pm
When I opened 3 current stickies, only two came up and I can't find the other one!!!!


Sticky disappeared Empty Re: Sticky disappeared

Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:50 pm
Did you open "Manage " from the traymenu and look in the desktop or trashcan or if you remember some text enter it in search dialog ? What version of stickies are you using ?

You can also try " Rescue Offscreen " from the traymenu if for some reason a sticky wandered outside the desktop parameters.
Dani Buoy
Posts : 6
Join date : 2022-08-19

Sticky disappeared Empty Similar issue - turned out that my Stickies somehow had gotten a height of 0 pixels

Sat Aug 20, 2022 3:14 pm
Hi Tom,

I had a similar issue the other day - where my Stickies stack said "2 stickies", but double clicking appeared to show nothing.

From the manage menu / dialogue I was able to see that the Stickies were there / did exist.

But I looked at the "Properties" tab, and for the two "missing" Stickies I saw that they had a size property of 410 x 0.

No idea how that happened.

Fix was to Edit the Stickies via the Manage menu [added in some carriage returns] and now the Stickie no longer had height of 0 pixels.

Below is a screenshot of the Properties tab of the two problematic Stickies and the one that displayed correctly:

Sticky disappeared Sticki10

I use latest version of Stickies program 10.d on Windows 10.

I guess that it would have been useful to be able to Edit the Stickies height property via the Properties dialogue box to fix the issue.  But I found a fix in the end anyway, so no need really for a code or feature change I guess.

Unfortunately I was not aware of the "Rescue Offscreen" function, so I did not try using that to resolve the issue.
So I don´t know if it would have fixed the issue or not.

Also, I have no idea at all how this problem of 0 pixel high Stickies occurred.
[I did change the default Skin to be a different one that day - so maybe that is related to the issue - "2010.ssk" aka "minimal blue"]

Excellent program by the way 👍


Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Sticky disappeared Empty Re: Sticky disappeared

Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:28 pm
Hey there congrats for fixing it yourself Smile What you did was exactly what I'd have suggested.  Rescue Offscreen would have sorted it out IIRC - but what I'd really like to know is how those notes got into that state in the first place.  If you're ever able to determine how it's happened, please let me know.  If I can reproduce it here then I can stop it from happening again, thanks.


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Posts : 52
Join date : 2018-04-22
Location : New York

Sticky disappeared Empty Re: Sticky disappeared

Sat Oct 01, 2022 6:29 pm
It wasn't isolated to them.  I just had 4 notes that were in a stack do the same thing.  When I opened the stack there was only one where there should have been five.  I used the right click context menu to display them rolled up and they all showed rolled up.  When I clicked on the title bar they all disappeared as soon as I double clicked the title bar.  When I saw this post I went back and checked and sure enough, they had a height of 0.  Entering a couple of new lines did nothing but when I entered the word new (no significance other than to show a change) they all reappeared in turn.  Still don't know the cause but it is nice to know the cure.

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Dani Buoy
Posts : 6
Join date : 2022-08-19

Sticky disappeared Empty Re: Sticky disappeared

Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:08 am
Admin wrote:Hey there congrats for fixing it yourself Smile What you did was exactly what I'd have suggested.  Rescue Offscreen would have sorted it out IIRC - but what I'd really like to know is how those notes got into that state in the first place.  If you're ever able to determine how it's happened, please let me know.  If I can reproduce it here then I can stop it from happening again, thanks.


OK Tom, if it ever happens again and I am able to determine the cause then I will let you know.

My guess would be that either using an external monitor or using one of the available Stickies skins could be the cause.
But that is a pure guess.

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