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Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) Empty Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB)

Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:12 pm
Basically the title but when I try to restore large .sti files, Stickies just freezes. I waited for it to load for about 10 minutes (100 MB) but still nothing. Any advice on what to do? I really need those notes and I don't have the time to re-do them again /:

If you're wondering what the hell I did to have that large note file size, I made reviewers for school and most of them are very long with screenshots.

Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) Empty Re: Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB)

Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:44 pm
The best way i can think of is sending an email to Tom Revell , maybe there is a way to open them in wordpad .


Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) Empty Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB)

Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:27 pm
I tried opening them on MS Word (Open > Browse > "All Files" file type changed to "Recover Text From Any File"). It opened and some are readable but it went over 5500+ pages most of the pages are just random repeated letters. I tried WordPad as you mentioned too but the same thing happened. I'll send an email as well thank you @Sooyke
Posts : 544
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) Empty Re: Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB)

Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:07 pm
I know it's not a direct solution, but you can likely open the file in notepad, strip off the top few lines (so that the start of the file is {\rtf1\ansi ) save it, and then rename the .sti to .rtf.  Then it will open in word, or wordpad.

.sti files are almost exactly the same as .rtf files - they have a few more lines at the top to indicate the note title and colour.


Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) Empty Re: Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB)

Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:43 am
Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) 210510

"  almost exactly the same as .rtf files  "

Trying what Tom Revell suggested i found that sti has a BOM indicating utf-16  while saving it as rtf has ansi encoding . To restore sti to rtf the encoding must be changed to .

-  open the sti in notepad
-  remove the first lines so the first line starts with {

Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) 210710

- save the file as ansi with extension rtf

Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) 210910

The file will open with images in wordpad ( .......the ones i tried .....)

It is amazing how big these sti files are when embedding a few screenshots but wordpad only takes a second to load them as rtf .

Best of luck i hope it works well Neutral

Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) Empty Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB)

Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:46 am

Thanks for the detailed instructions, it worked! You're a lifesaver dude thanks for saving me from having to re-do all my notes again!! : D
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Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB) Empty Re: Can't restore large .sti files (Even in 10 MB or 100 MB)

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