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Show attached stickies only when attached window has focus on Empty Show attached stickies only when attached window has focus on

Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:05 am
bawldiggle wrote:I am new to STICKIES and would appreciate any help Smile

Stickies attached to web pages do not hide when the webpage loses focus.

I think that BawlDiggle's idea is great !
Currently, when you attach a Sticky to a window, there is an option to show the sticky only if window is "visible", ie. not minimized.corresponding window
With this option, attached stickies are automatically hidden as soon as corresponding window is minimized, and un-hidden as soon as it is maximized.

It would be great to have (in more...) a new option : Show the attached stickies only when Window has focus, and then hide the sticky as soon as window loses focus (and unhide it when the focus is again on the window)

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