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 Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes Empty Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes

Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:30 pm

I am using Stickies on my Desktop and Google Task and Google Notes on my Android.
Stickies is by far the best Application for Windows and I'm perfectly happy with it but I hate having several tasks/notes I need to keep track of.

I'd love if there was a way to sync Stickies with Google Tasks or Google Notes or any other App.

I know that this is not a small feature request. So if such a feature is not intendet for the future, does anyone have a recommendation for an application that runs on my desktop as widget and can sync to an android app?

Thanks in advance
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Location : London

 Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes Empty Re: Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes

Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:53 pm
Sync is something I've thought about in the past, and will probably come back to at some time in the future.  As you appreciate though, it's quite a bit of work just to get it right within Stickies, let alone hooking into some other system.

The good news is that the Stickies API, and the database being in a SQLITE format means anyone else could write the code instead Wink


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 Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes Empty Sharing Stickies Across Multiple PCs with Google Drive

Sat May 08, 2021 11:51 pm
To Eggsplorer, et al - Here's what worked for me (sorry this is PC-centric, but it may help)

For my multiple Windows 7 PCs, I simply copied everything into "C:\Users\<acctname>\Google Drive\Office\Stickies"  (I created the "Office" folder for my way of organizing things :-)
Then, all my PCs that have Google Drive can just invoke stickies.exe
Here's what the file structure looks like in the Stickies folder (no symbolic links or junction points - it just seems to work):
[stickies]   (there appears to be some duplication here (my fault?) and in the [backups] folder
desktop.ini (may be hidden in your view settings)
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Location : London

 Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes Empty Re: Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes

Thu May 27, 2021 4:42 pm
That will work just fine, with one big caveat - only one computer should run Stickies, and make changes, at a time.

You don't need the [backups] or [skins] folders, and I don't recognise the [stickies] folder.  The only file you need to copy around is stickies.db - although putting the exe in the same location means it's a little easier to get working.

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 Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes Empty Re: Sync Stickies with Google Tasks/Notes

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