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Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors Empty Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors

Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:34 am

I'm using Stickies V9.0e and it is a very usefull and helpfull app.

But I have the following problem, that is going on my nerves a little bit :-)

In the office I`m using 2 external monitors and I have placed all Stickies on the right monitor, which is not configured as the main display.
On business trips or in my homeoffice I`m using just 1 display (integrated laptop display).

So when I'm working with one monitor, all stickies are invisible, because they are places outside the display (think you are storing the absolute position). I can see and use them if I start the menu "manage stickies" (right click on the task bar icon).

Is there a possibiltiy to move all stickies automatically on the main monitor, if just one monitore is active?

Thanks for your help in advance & best regards,
Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors Empty Re: Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors

Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:37 pm
You can get all the notes back onto the primary screen by using the Rescue Offscreen function, but that's probably not what you want.  It's not what the function was designed to do, so although it will get the notes back into view, they won't land neatly, and their original positions will be forgotten.

There was a tool called Stickies Layout Save which a user had developed, but that was on the old forum which got taken down a month or two ago, and I didn't think to take a copy of it ... so that won't help you.  It used the API to store sets of layouts, as the name might suggest.

Is that what you want to do, essentially store two different sets of positions for when you're using the two different screen layouts?

Dani Buoy
Posts : 6
Join date : 2022-08-19

Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors Empty Similar issue - where somehow stickie in a stack has gotten it´s location to be off screen

Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:28 am
Hi Tom.

On Windows 10, Stickies 10.d I had a similar issue.
For some reason stickies were at the edge of the screen where I could not access the title bar and hence could not drag and drop the stickie back to where I wanted.

I tested the "Rescue offscreen" function and it works great.

Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors Untitl10


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Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors Empty Re: Invisible stickies when using multiple monitors

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