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Close Stickies automatically Empty Close Stickies automatically

Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:06 am
we are using stickes to inform people to come to a certain room. We send a stickie to a monitor wich just says: "Please come to room 2". Is there a way to close this displayed stickie automatically after a (settable) time?

Close Stickies automatically Empty Re: Close Stickies automatically

Thu Jan 09, 2020 11:13 am
Sending a close command from a remote PC i do not know but you can run a script using the api  " https://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/stickies/api.html " on the client that monitors network stickies and close it after a time but it needs scripting knowledge to write it and the script must always run on the client.

If you are a AHK script user there is a template for registering and sending/ receiving api commands so it is fairly simple to write.
Posts : 551
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Close Stickies automatically Empty Re: Close Stickies automatically

Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:18 pm
If you're not an AHK user but are comfortable with batch files, you could write one which runs once a minute, closes Stickies, copies in a data file with no desktop notes, and then relaunches the app.  That's certainly a hack ... and I don't think I'd recommend it, but it would get it done.

You could have notes stack on top of each other, and then once a day clear them all (with the approach above?), although that wouldn't cause the messages to disappear after a while, only when a new message is sent.

You really need an app which is better designed for what you're trying to do.  I'm guessing you're in a surgery or similar, and need the doctors to be able to call people to their room?  Is that right?  If it's simple, I help people learn coding, and it would be a fun project for me to work through with them.  Drop me an email if you like...

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