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Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access Empty Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access

Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:28 pm

I have a terminal server session to a server via RD web access. 

I thought targeted caffeine would work in keeping this logged on.

However the keypress is only sent if the focus is on the terminal server session. 

If I create a target for notepadd ++ it does indeed send the keypress to it when i have no focus on that window.

Is there a known issue as to why this won't work for an RDP session? Copy and paste to/from the terminal server is restricted but I don't think that should be an issue. Even when I fire now, it does not work. If I am focused on the terminal server with notepad open f5 keypress does fire as it inserts date and time. But if I focus on anything else nothing happens, and eventually the terminal server boots me off, then i have to log in again to do anything. It is fine if I walk away from my machine for a while leaving the focus on the terminal server, and system stays awake as I have chosen the option to, but if I do the same without focus on the terminal server, it will log me out but keep the system awake and send keypresses to any other native window.

When you log out you initially go back to a "RemoteApp" window, and I even created a target for that (which it shows "found now" as yes even when it is not there and you are logged onto the terminal server.

Any ideas on this one? 


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Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access

Tue Aug 06, 2019 10:08 pm
Someone else wrote to me this last week about targeted caffeine.  They asked for a small change, which I put in place, and then as I was checking that I'd added it correctly found that the app was simply no longer worked.  I checked with a VM, and then I took the build to another site and tried it on there ... and none of them were working any longer.  I thought perhaps MS had updated Windows with something which breaks what it does?

The test I was using coincidentally exactly the one you were using - trying to send a keypress to notepad++.  No dice.

The upshot is that I'm dubious as to whether the app will continue to work at all now (which is why I took it down the other day).


Posts : 2
Join date : 2020-01-15

Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access Empty me too

Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:53 pm
Yeah, it does not work on regular RDS sessions also (non RDS web). Both are the same thing actually.

I am trying to run it via .\caffeine.exe -useshift -showdlg -ontaskbar -oldicons
Not sure if that will make a difference.

BTW, auto mouse mover works 100% fine over RDP sessions. It is just not free...I like free ;-)
Posts : 2
Join date : 2020-01-15

Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access

Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:09 pm
I am unhappy to report that my idea of having the caffeine window did not work!
.\caffeine.exe -useshift -showdlg -ontaskbar -oldicons

RDP session still goes to lock screen

Just want a free (no-installer) tool for keeping a RDP session active!

Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access Empty Did you ever get a solution? Even a PAY solution to keep an RDP window active?

Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:39 pm
I know this thread is from January 2020, it's now September 2021.  Did you ever figure out a way to make targeted caffeine keep the RDP window alive?  If not, then is there a pay solution that actually works?
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Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access Empty Re: Targeted Caffeine and Remote Desktop via rd web access

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