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Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine  Empty Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine

Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:07 pm
When I initiate Caffeine I use the following command line:

caffeine 830 -useshift -activefor:720 -replace

I start it via Task Scheduler every day at 0600, it runs until 1800, and it keeps my system awake. I use -replace because -exitafter doesn't seem to work. -replace doesn't seem to work either because I've got a second iteration running the next day, one inactive and one active. 

Is there a known bug with using multiple command line switches, or with the -exitafter or -replace switches?

Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine  Empty Re: Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine

Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:02 pm
As a workaround you could make a ".bat" file to kill caffeine and run it using scheduler .
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Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine  Empty Re: Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine

Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:41 pm
I just tried those command line arguments and they seemed to be recognised OK.  When you hover over the icon in the tray, does the tooltip show what it should?  It should show you the arguments you used, and also say that it will go inactive in 720 minutes.

I also found the -replace argument was working OK for me - so the next day, what do the two tooltips show?

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Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine  Empty Re: Problems with multiple command line switches in Caffeine

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