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Fonr size of stickies keeps changing although set to a certain value on all skins in options Empty Fonr size of stickies keeps changing although set to a certain value on all skins in options

Sat May 04, 2019 8:30 am
Hi all,

I hope to get some answers here. I have the following issue that whenever I type in a sticky, the font size is not what I would expect and how I set it in the options on the skins.
When I use the "set to style" option it does change to the correct size, but whenever I start typing again in that same sticky it is another font size again (much smaller). I had this in version 8 and also now in the latest version 9.0e

My font size on all my skins is set to "Microsoft Sans Serif" Size 9.

Kind regards,

Posts : 568
Join date : 2018-03-30
Location : London

Fonr size of stickies keeps changing although set to a certain value on all skins in options Empty Re: Fonr size of stickies keeps changing although set to a certain value on all skins in options

Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:40 pm
Do you mean that (ahem, rather a late reply, I don't check the forum as much as I should) new notes don't have the font size you want, or that typing into the existing note starts to use a different/wrong font?

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